
Enable IP Logging

Enabling IP logging in SureForms allows you to keep track of the IP addresses of users who submit your forms. This can help you in several ways:

  • Prevent spam: By logging IP addresses, you can identify and block repeated spam submissions from the same source.
  • Improve security: If you notice unusual activity, such as many submissions from one IP address, you can take action to protect your site.
  • Understand your audience: Knowing where your submissions come from can give you insights into your users. 

By default, the “Enable IP Logging” option in SureForms is disabled. This document will walk you through how to enable this option in SureForms.

Note: When logging IP addresses, it’s important to consider privacy and data protection regulations, such as GDPR. Ensure you inform users about IP logging in your privacy policy. 

How To Enable IP Logging In SureForms

Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and follow these steps to enable IP logging in SureForms:

  • Go to SureForms > Settings and then General.
  • Here, turn on the “Enable IP Logging” toggle button.

The IP Logging functionality is now enabled on all your form submissions. Now, whenever a user submits your form, their IP address will be saved along with their form data.

View IP Addresses For Form Submissions

Next, we’ll see how you can view the IP addresses for your form submissions:

  • Go to SureForms > Entries. Here, choose any entries/submissions that were recorded after the “IP Logging” option was enabled.
  • Once inside, you’ll see the user’s IP address here.

That’s all! If you don’t see the user’s IP address even after enabling IP Logging, reach out to us.

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