
Cloudflare Turnstile

Cloudflare Turnstile keeps your forms secure by verifying if the person filling them out is a real user and not an automated bot. It helps reduce spam and unwanted submissions without requiring users to solve puzzles or click on checkboxes.

With SureForms, you can add the Cloudflare Turnstile checkbox to your forms and protect your site from spam and other privacy concerns.

In this article, we’ll guide you through setting up Cloudflare Turnstile in your forms and configure it to keep them secure.

How To Enable Cloudflare Turnstile In SureForms

To add Cloudflare Turnstile to your forms, follow these steps:

Generating Site Key & Secret Key From Your Cloudflare Account

Before proceeding, make sure you register for a Cloudflare account. You can sign up for a free account or choose any of Cloudflare’s paid plans.

  • Go to your Cloudflare dashboard and navigate to Turnstile.
  • Then, click the “Add Widget” button.
  • Enter a name for your widget (this is for your internal reference) and add your domain name.

Note: Format your domain name like this: example.com so Cloudflare recognizes it. Also, you can add multiple domains. This allows you to use the same keys across multiple websites.

  • Select any of the following options under “Widget Type” for your forms. This decides how Cloudflare checks for spam on your forms.

Here’s what each of these options do:

  1. Managed: Cloudflare checks the visitor’s information to decide if an interaction is needed. If an interaction is required, the user will simply check a box. 
  2. Non-interactive: This option shows a widget with a loading bar while Cloudflare runs a browser-based check. It’s a completely automated process with no user interaction needed.
  3. Invisible: A background check that runs silently without any visible interaction or prompts for the user.

Now, decide whether you’d like to opt for pre-clearance for this site or not.

Note: If you choose this option, your Turnstile widget can give users a clearance cookie. This cookie makes it seem like the user has already passed a security check on your website. The cookie will stay valid for a specific time as specified in your website’s security settings.

Finally, click on the “Create” button. On the next screen, ensure you copy the generated Site and Secret key. 

Adding Cloudflare Site & Secret Key To SureForms’ Global Settings

Now, we need to paste our site and secret key into our SureForms global settings. To do this:

  • Go to SureForms > Settings and then click on “Spam Protection”.
  • Now, go to the “Turnstile” tab here.
  • Paste your Site and Secret Key here. Once added, SureForms will automatically save them.

Additionally, you can configure how your Turnstile checkbox appears to your users while filling out your form.

Now, you can enable Cloudflare Turnstile on any of your SureForms forms.

Enabling Cloudflare Turnstile On Individual Forms

Open any form where you want to enable Turnstile and then follow these steps:

  • Go to “Advanced” and open up the Anti-Spam Settings dropdown.
  • Under “Security Type” select Cloudflare Turnstile.

Finally, click on the “Save” button to save these settings.

That’s all! The Cloudflare Turnstile checkbox should show up on your SureForms form. Verify it yourself on the form front end.

And if you’re facing any issues enabling the Turnstile on your forms, feel free to reach out. We’re always here to help.

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