
Comprehensive Guide To General SureForms Fields

SureForms provides a range of field types to help you create functional and user-friendly forms. Each field is designed to capture specific types of information, making it easier for you to build forms that fit your requirements.

In this guide, we’ll go through the available fields in SureForms and explain how they work.

General SureForms Fields

Here are some of the general form fields that’ll be available to you:

We’ll go through each one of them:


The Text Field in SureForms allows users to enter short pieces of text, such as names, last names, or brief comments.


The Email Field in SureForms is designed to capture email addresses. The field ensures that the input matches a valid email format. 

The email field is important for forms where you need to collect user contact information.


This field lets users enter a web address in a valid format. It’s ideal for collecting links or website details.


This field allows users to input longer text, such as comments or detailed information, in a larger box. It’s ideal for forms where you may want to collect detailed feedback from the user.

Multiple Choice

This field provides a list of options where users can select one. It’s useful for multiple-choice questions.

SureForms also lets you modify your multiple choice in a way that you can select only one option. You can also try multiple layouts for this field and add/remove the options as per your wish.


The Checkbox field allows users to select a single option by clicking on a checkbox. This field is useful for simple yes/no questions or to indicate agreement with a statement. For example:

GDPR Agreement

This field adds a required checkbox to collect user consent for data processing, ensuring GDPR compliance.

To learn more about GDPR settings in SureForms, click here.


This field enables users to enter numeric values. It’s handy for capturing quantities, measurements, or any numeric data.

You can also define a minimum value and a maximum value to ensure the entries fall within a specified range, such as setting limits for ages or quantities.

Phone Number

This field is designed for users to input their phone numbers. It supports different formats to accommodate international numbers.

SureForms automatically detects the country the user is in and adjusts the country code accordingly.


This field displays a list of options in a dropdown menu, allowing users to select one item. It’s a compact alternative to the multiple-choice field.

The user can also search for the option in the dropdown menu and then select it.


This field collects complete address details, including street, city, state, country, and postal code, all in one section.

Custom Button

Displays a SureForms custom button other than the primary submit button. You can only add and customize one custom button per form.


This element is used to visually divide sections within the form, helping organize content for better readability. For example, look at the following black line separating multi-page forms in SureForms:


This field adds a title or heading to your form, making it easier for users to understand different sections. The text is larger than the usual text on your form, like:


This field allows you to upload and display images directly in your form. 

You can upload images from your computer, the media library, or even insert them by providing it’s media URL.


This field lets you add icons for visual emphasis or clarity, helping users identify different parts of the form easily.

Each of these fields helps you create forms that are both functional and user-friendly. Choose the ones that best fit your needs and build your form with ease.

You can also access additional fields in SureForms such as:

  • Date Picker
  • Time Picker
  • Hidden Fields
  • Slider
  • Page Break
  • Rating
  • Upload

By upgrading your SureForms plan to Pro.

That’s all! If you’ve any other questions, feel free to contact us. We’re always here to help.

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