
Managing Forms

Are you looking to manage your WordPress forms easily? SureForms lets you manage and organize all your forms directly from the WordPress dashboard.

In this article, we’ll show you how simple form management is in SureForms.

Note: Before you begin, ensure SureForms is installed and activated on your WordPress site. 

Accessing Your Forms

Navigate to SureForms > Forms to see the list of all your forms and their entry counts.

You can add a new form here by clicking the Add New button. 

Click here to learn more about adding and publishing forms in SureForms.

Form Options Overview

When you hover over any form, you’ll see the following options:

Let’s see what each of them does:

  • Edit: Opens the form in the builder for detailed editing.
  • Quick Edit: Lets you quickly update the title, slug, date, and status directly from the dashboard.
  • Trash: Moves the form to the “Trash” section, where you can restore it if needed. Once you delete it from the trash, you cannot restore it.
  • View: Displays a preview of the form.
  • Export: Downloads the form data as a JSON file.

Filtering and Managing Multiple Forms

SureForms has bulk options that allow you to quick edit, delete, and export forms at once. To do that:

  • Check the box next to the preferred forms. For example:
  • Access the Bulk Actions dropdown and select the action you want to perform.
  • Click the Apply button to complete the selected action.

You can filter these forms according to the date by accessing the All Dates dropdown and clicking the Filter button.

Click these small arrow icons to sort the forms as per their alphabetical order or published dates.

Searching Forms

To find a specific form, enter keywords in the search bar at the top and click Search Forms

This will display forms that match your search.

Customizing Display Options

In the Screen Options panel, you can adjust how your forms are displayed. Here’s what each of these settings means:

  • Columns: Select which columns (e.g., Shortcode, Entries, Author, Date) to show.
  • Pagination: Set the number of forms displayed per page.
  • View Mode: Choose between “Compact view” and “Extended view” for different detail levels.

Click Apply to save your changes.

That’s all! We hope this guide helped you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. 

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