/ Documentation /Troubleshooting/ Troubleshooting Email Sending In SureForms

Troubleshooting Email Sending In SureForms

If your form submissions aren’t getting sent to your email, it can be often related to the way your site is set up to handle emails. 

Most WordPress sites rely on an SMTP plugin to send emails, and issues can arise if the plugin isn’t installed or properly configured on your site. 

In this article, we’ll help you troubleshoot and resolve email delivery problems you might have while using an SMTP plugin with SureForms.

Installing an SMTP Plugin

If you haven’t already, you need an SMTP plugin to enable your site to send emails reliably. To do this, follow these steps:

Choose an SMTP Plugin

Look for an SMTP plugin that fits your needs. Popular options include Easy WP SMTP and Fluent SMTP.

Install & Activate the Desired SMTP Plugin

Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New”, and search for your chosen SMTP plugin. Finally, click “Install” and then activate the plugin.

Configure Your SMTP Plugin Settings

Open the plugin’s settings page and provide the required details, such as SMTP host, port, and email credentials.

Once you’ve done this, try submitting your form and verify if the form entries do get sent to the specified email address.

Verifying Your Email Notification Configuration in SureForms

After ensuring your SMTP plugin is set up correctly, verify that your SureForms email notifications are configured properly.

You can find these settings in your individual form under Form > Email Notifications.

For more information, check our article on adjusting email notifications here.

Checking Your Spam Folder

Sometimes, emails may be sent successfully but end up in the spam folder. 

You can check your “Spam” folder along with additional folders such as “Promotions” or “Social” to cross check if the email notifications are being sent here.

If you find this to be the case, simply move these emails to the “Primary” folder.

Checking the Entry Logs In SureForms

To see whether email notifications are getting sent or not, do this:

  • Go to SureForms > Entries and click on any entry. For example:
  • Whether the email is sent to your email or not is displayed here under “Entry Logs”.

If the email notification is initiated but isn’t landing up in your email, you can be assured that the issue is with your email provider and not within SureForms.

Verifying SMTP Plugin Settings

If your site uses an SMTP plugin, incorrect settings can prevent emails from being sent. Follow these steps to verify and fix the configuration:.

Open the plugin’s settings page and confirm the following details:

  • SMTP host: The outgoing mail server (e.g., smtp.gmail.com for Gmail).
  • Port number: Usually 465 for SSL or 587 for TLS.
  • Encryption type: SSL or TLS.
  • Username and password: The email account credentials.

Once done, you can try sending a test email using the SMTP plugin itself. Most SMTP plugins include a test email feature.

If the test email fails, double-check your configuration or contact your email provider for support.

That’s all! If you’re still experiencing problems, reach out to our support team for additional help. Provide as much detail as possible, including your SMTP plugin settings and any error messages you’ve seen.

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